Back to Back Thunderstorms

It has been a wild and chaotic weather year here At Altitude.

We had one of the snowiest Februaries on record.

I thought it was lovely.  But then, I like snow.  And it has been a while since we've had one of those "Oh my gosh I wonder if I'll make it home" days...................

Then came March.  Typically my least favorite month.  Snowiest month each year, and extremes in temperatures.  This year.............unusually warm.  AND dry.

Nearly halfway through April and so far, a little snow.

But back to back thunderstorms.  Yesterday I drove home in a very cool downpour.  And then it tapered off.............only to come back with a vengeance around 11:30pm.  I was still awake but it woke up all the other inhabitants of Casa Rancho.  And my furry friend Bessy is NOT a fan of thunderstorms.

As I sit here's doing it the south and the east of us.  Bright flashes, like fireworks.  And the muffled retorts of the thunder.  Bessy is at my feet.

Personally...........I LOVE thunderstorms.  The brighter the lightning and the louder the thunder, the better.  And as an old Mylon LeFevre song says..........."Come on and crack the sky for me".  

Hate that it makes Bessy anxious.

Meanwhile..............bring it on!  We need the moisture.


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