The Closer Finale - Sort Of

Reports of Deputy Chief Brenda Lee Johnson's demise, where greatly exaggerated.  We were led to believe that we were watching the final episodes of The Closer, one of my favorite series ever.  Monday night's episode was quite the cliffhanger, and clearly no finale.  I've scoured TNT's website trying to figure out just how many episodes were left and have been unable to figure out what TNT was up to.

Further research led me to some clarification.  According to Matt Roush of TV Guide, we'll get more episodes in November, with the actual series summer.  Yet another instance of delayed gratification.  You can read his report HERE.

So we get to extend our relationship with Brenda Lee and the guys a while longer, holding our breath to see how Curtis Armstrong's nasty lawyer will come after Chief Johnson and her just over the line tactics............


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