
May have mentioned here and elsewhere that I hate March.  Useless month, really.  Usually we get buried with several snowstorms, often measured in feet not inches.  This comes when I am finally DONE with that snow that I was so in love with,  the previous fall when it first fell.  Yes, I am fickle and disloyal when it comes to weather..................I grow weary at the end of each season and want whatever comes next.

This March however was less desirable than the snows never came, so I couldn't mentally envision the snows melting, trickling down to bring  life to My Tiny Garden.  It was just windy and bleak.  And dreadfully dry. 

April, however,  is in its fourth day and showing all the signs of being the schizophrenic weather month it always is.  Friday and Saturday were everything spring days should be................warm with a chilly undertone...............golden sunsets.  Sitting in the using chalk on the driveway and scootering, biking about.  And in the backyard...................Bessy finding the sun spot, with her head RIGHT NEXT to the rock speakers while KBCO played, and I put compost down on my wall garden. 

Sunday was more of the same (although a little too windy).  The house filled up with eight adults and six little ones.............all gathered to partake of Mexican Fiesta night................more on that later.

The literal cool side of the pillow came on Sunday, when, after a few hours of sunshine......the rest of the day looked like this outside my loft window.


Bring on the moisture.


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