Non Paid Commercial for Dennis Miller

Dennis Miller makes me laugh so hard, I sometimes think I'll crash my car. While a talk radio vacation is still in effect for me, I still tune in for at least a little while each day before and after I get to the office. I'd listen more but I'm afraid I'd get nothing done.

For the uninformed, Dennis Miller has a daily talk show which is carried here in the Denver market on 710KNUS. He covers current events in the news cycle, but there's also quite a bit of movie and TV chatter. He's so smart and well read, that I'm sure a full one fourth of what he talks about is lost on me..........but none the less.......... for the parts I get........ he makes me laugh.

Today, he was referring to the happenings in Egypt as "Islam -apalooza", and his comment on Mubarak finally stepping down....."This guy's like Brett Favre in a fez." Guess you had to been there.

Anyway, some of you reading this(and you know who you are) tell me you never listen to the radio............but he's worth listening to (9a-11a)instead of FOX all day.


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