Lost on Lost

Didn't they promise they were going to answer the questions???????

Is it just me or are they just creating NEW questions.


Don't read this if you haven't watched last night's episode.  So what more do we understand???  We know Jacob has chosen candidates to replace him................Widmore still wants the island............Claire's alive and now crazy.........Hurley sees dead people.............but what is the parallel story line............what happens if the plane DOESN'T crash.............did time split?.............they all end up meeting each other anyway.........

ARRRRG.  I'm confused.  EVEN when I watch last week's episode AGAIN with the cheat bar.

Well at least I'm not the only one giving it thought when not watching........................

Lileks had this to say in today's BLEAT.

" I think I have the show figured out anyway. The island is a prison for the smoke-thing, which is Evil, but not Satan, otherwise it wouldn’t be hanging out on an island looking to crawl inside of bald guys to get something done. It’s just a bad thing. Maybe an outerspace bad thing. There’s probably a spaceship buried under the island. If I had to put money on the last episode, Jack is Jacob – the names might provide a clue there – and he’s back in the states, in the future, touching someone to assure they will come to the island in 2047 to contain Mr. Bad Angry Fog. In the end we will realize that there’s nothing we couldn’t have learned in the first two seasons, if people had just been a tad more . . . forthcoming.

Also, Benjamin Linus will be redeemed. Sawyer will wear his sulk-glower. Freckles will die. Hugo will be happy. Locke will be buried on the island. "

Well that's Lileks theory...........go read the rest.  Lileks is the bloggiest of all bloggers anyway.  Read him everyday. 

I do.


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