Springtime in the Rockies 2013

I've always said in years past that March was my least favorite month of the year.

It's the month when I grow weary of the cold and the snow.  But maybe, in fact, it's the teasing, tug and pull of the changing weather.  Never a gradual warm up, where each week you hit a milestone.

Instead we see this.......................
A tiny yellow crocus, pushing it's way through the mulch outside my office door. These hearty little buggers come up every year since I was hoodwinked into buying a box of bulbs from a neighbor girl's school fundraiser. (The kids know I'm an easy mark).
Followed by seeing this.................................
The view from my dining room window on Saturday.  A day I sat at the dining room table, watching the finches go through half a feeder full of seed, each fighting for a perch.  It snowed all day, in addition to being blown around by the March winds.  And at this point, the only creature still enjoying the snow is the dog.
Ah, I know, this too shall pass.  And this year folks all around the country have been getting a feel for the kind of springtime weather we have each year.
I've had a convertible top down day already, early in the month and many more to follow.
I'm ready for the annual migration of the turtlenecks.


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