Room - The Review

My book club has been on a sort of summer vacation.  Everyone gets so busy it's hard to find a time for everyone to get together.  In the meantime, we've read two different books and will discuss both at next week's meeting.  I've missed the girls!

So up first is the book,  "Room".  My neighbor, Nicole, said she couldn't put it down, so I was excited to read it.  Nicole was right.  The book pulled you in from the first few pages.  Without giving up too much of the plot...............the book is written from the perspective of a 5 year old boy.  Strange concept, and had I known that, I might have been reluctant to read the book.  But the premise worked.  The author, Emma Donoghue mastered the idea of describing the world through the eyes of a 5 year old, using that vocabulary.

As the story begins you gradually realize that the world of this little boy is not the same as the world you and I live in.  He's in Room. With his mother.  It's a dark, disturbing world, made less so through the extreme efforts of his mother. 

Don't want to say much more.............I hate it when reviews give away too much of the plot, like movie trailers that show all the best parts. 

If you're thinking of reading this so.  But set aside some time first.  The day I started reading it, I spent 3 straight hours before I could make myself stop.


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