Speaking of LastFm

I really dig LastFm. 

Similar to Pandora's box, but having tried both, I like LastFm for several reasons.  One, you can develop a library and then only play that list of songs if you want.

If you're already lost....................

LastFM is online free radio.  If you go there and it tells you you can't log on........sign up and get to it that way.  It's free online radio and you can pick an artist you like and listen online for free..........to that artist and then others that come at you...........from any computer you are on.  (as long as your connection is fast enough).

Why do it?  Maybe you have Itunes or you're YouTubing it???...........this is better.  You Tube videos can be lame and you don't always have your Ipod with you.  Anytime........ anywhere you can listen if you log on.  Make up a fake name..............like ChickVoice...............and you too can have free music. I have no LastFM friends and I need some............

Over time, when you click the heart icon, or ban songs from your list, LastFM learns what you like (really!) and plays music from people you've never heard of,  that make you stop in your tracks and say "wow, I gotta get that song".

If you're a blogger, you can add a LastFM widget to your blog, and let your readers know what you were listening to while you were pretending to work at your office. (Look for mine in my sidebar and find out how varied and cheesy my musical choices are).

Check them out............sign up today.................this is not a paid advertisement.

Click here for LASTFM


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