Okay, Now I Get It

As in, now I get the "TwilightMania".

Whenever there is a book or movie series SO WIDELY ACCLAIMED, I instantly grow skeptical. I know, I know, but it’s in my nature to swim against the tide. So when all the buzz first started about Stephenie Meyer’s book, (the first one) I kept meaning to pick it up to read.

But I had a huge stack of books at home waiting to be read, so I decided to put it off. Before I got around to buying it, the second book was out, then the third, and I had still not jumped on the bandwagon. But the bandwagon was pretty full at that point so I decided maybe I didn’t want to get on at all.

Book four comes out, now I’m behind and decided it was too late to get caught up. Just about every other blog I read, written by a woman........ is enthralled, obsessed with the books, so I grow resistant.

Then comes the movie………..I have a niece who was at the first showing………….I’m less inclined………….it comes out on DVD eventually………….I watch it.

AND I REALLY DIDN’T LIKE IT. Didn’t HATE it, but didn’t like it very much. I certainly understood the appeal for teen age girls……….Robert Pattison is………….so ……….well he's so.........je ne sais quoi. The movie seemed to spend half the screen time with moody music playing and shots of Bella and Edward LOOKING at each other. ZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

So that’s where I decided it leave it.

Not my thing.

Not interested.

With the hype of the 3rd movie everywhere, everyday……………I grew weak and decided to give the first book a read.


Yep, it sucked me (no pun intended) right in.

Read it in two days.  Kindled New Moon.  Read it in two days.

Suddenly I had the urge to watch the movie again...............and lo and behold...........the movie is great.

Now that I've read the book.............(more on that later). So my personal Twilight Saga has commenced.  I've determined not to read Eclipse till I've seen New Moon.

Hello all you folks on the bandwagon...............can I catch a ride????


Kris said…
That's exactly what happened to me with the books (the movies hadn't happened yet when I read them)... I had a student hand them to me; she said, "Miss, you have GOT to read these." I said okeydokey and took them home for the weekend. Read them all. Was totally, totally sucked in. :)

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