and "she" wept

"she" being me.

I am sad. It is a time of great change. And change is always scary to me.

McCain's concession speech was eloquent and humble. Stirring and classy.

"Tonight, I remain Her servant", he said, speaking of his country.

He served his country with more fervor and devotion than many thousands of us combined together. He put his life on the line in ways that are beyond comprehension to 99% of us.

I might cry all night.

It is an amazing moment in the history of the United States. We have elected someone who represents a people, who at one time were not even considered human, much less citizens. A people who lived under Jim Crow laws not so long ago.

To a woman who grew up idolizing Martin Luther King, Jr., in all his flaws, this is a moment of mixed emotions. I am thrilled that we have taken this step forward................not happy that is was this man, at this time.

I believe our reaction should be to hit our knees, and as it says in

I Timothy 2:1-3. "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior".

People were energized around the country, in a way I have not seen since the days when the Reagan campaign said, "it's morning again in America".

The nation has been in a bad place for some time now.............

I truly don't know if President-Elect Obama (I said it!!) will have it in him, to take us to a better place.............because we do need hope........... and change.

I do fear that he doesn't have the savvy and experience to do anything but.......I hate to say it...."bumble".

But alas, we shall see.

I won't take the low road and many Democrats did about George W. Bush, that he is "Not My President".

He is My President.

I am an American. A Coloradoan.

And what we do...........we do together.


The great thing about the United States of America is even though we go through a bitter election season we always have a peaceful change in power then we do it all again 4 yrs later.

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